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Thursday March 14th 2013

Time is an odd commodity, at least on a daily basis. Usually you don't have enough of it and it can push you and stretch you into a gnarled and deformed bundle of something....energy, nerves, stress. Whatever it is, it will make for an unhealthy looking aura at best and give you ulcers, strokes and heart problems and "God" knows what else besides at worst. Time is also the luxury item. You have time to relax, meditate, read, go for a walk. The luxury aspect of time is always free of obligation and closer to your heart. Note to selves: you don't want to give yourselves heart problems because you won't give yourselves time. There is a poem by the German poet, Richard Dehmel, called "Der Arbeitsmann"/"The Workingman" where the theme is that we have everything except time to be as free as the birds. The constant refrain is "nur Zeit"/"only time" is lacking. Why? Becaues time is only given over to productivity or work. That is the curse of the workingman. Productivity and the Puritan work ethic! And we wonder why we have stunk up the planet! There is also the more scientific concept of time as a dimension. In the spacetime continuum, it is seen as the fourth dimension, with space defining the three dimensions of the physical world/universe. Edgar Cayce apparently and somewhat humorously defined the three dimensions as "time, space and patience". Be mindful not to make that work, space and patience!

Time is also, for want of a better word, a "spiritual" commodity. I Ching has a lot to say about time in the commentaries to the first hexagram of "The Creative", where the idea is put forward that "time is no longer seen as a hindrance but the means to making actual what is potential". "Time is the basis of motion" and "the power of time, the power of persisting in time, that is to duration" (Wilhelm edition). That means, at least to me, the possibility of experiencing something through its unfolding in time, and the patience ("duration") to bear witness to the whole of the experience. Experience is the basis of knowledge. If anyone asks me why we are in the world, my answer is "to experience", and from that, to build knowledge. Otherwise you are dependent on hearsay. Never let hearsay trump experience. Religion, among others, has been banging that drum for aeons. "God" too is ultimately an experience, not a system to be learned, although we might experience quite a number of systems en route to experiencing God. I had a policeman sitting in front of me for a reading once who had out of body experiences. He said that he knew the Catholic Church was wrong about "animals not having souls" when he saw energy/auras around animals in an out of body experience.

picture of us selling jewellery on the streets of Rome by candel light. Many years ago Charque and I made a bike trip through Europe. We left my family's farm in southern England and sold wire jewellery along the way to finance the trip, well, at least as far as Rome. We wintered in Rome for three or four months and made enough money there to continue with the rest of the trip. We were asked in Rome, and often by our jewellery competitors, how long we were staying there. We would always reply "two weeks", that honestly being our intention. After all, we felt that we needed to be getting on with the bike trip. But those two weeks kept on extending, until we had been there three or four months.... with no problem whatsoever. We loved the Rome experience, and at some point it became obvious that we were financing the rest of our trip. Anyway, "two weeks" became a joke for what I would now call "time aspoicture of a dunb beetel rolling a ball of dung a luxury item" and not to be taken too seriously. At some point after Rome, we put aside watches and ran strictly on the sun. It caused a bit of havoc with finding shops open and crossing a time zone. But beyond that, it was a wonderful experience, as well as a very good idea, because even on a trip like that, you can get hung up on time and how many miles you've accomplished in a day. We spent hours one day watching a beetle move a piece of dung to build a home and lay eggs in. You cannot do things like that if you are always pushed for time. 

Time is a creative commodity. It is both a dimension in which to experience the creative process, as well as a commodity to be viewed and used creatively...and happily. As you mtarot card from the Zen Deck Moment to moment-jumping from stone to stone in a stream.ay have noticed, I am never tired of mentioning the great "Jah!" or Shout of Joy that God uttered when "He" brought creation into existence, as defined by Qabalah. In the Bible it says that when God had done "Jahing" and creating, He "saw that it was good". My own definition of that is "Wow!" or the Great Wow.Time allows you to "Jah!" and "Wow!' to your heart's content, if you will only let it. After all, you are created in the image of God. True, given the timespace continuum and Edgar Cayce's "time, space and patience", you may have to "work" on that a bit. But it is certainly not the kind of work that will pollute the planet, rather the opposite. Because somewhere within you is the potential to great joy, even unending, limitless joy....eternal....timeless. Just let it happen....in moments....moment to moment. Not to keep harping on German poets (there are a lot of good ones), the poet Rilke says "I live my life in widening circles, that reach out across the world. I may not complete this last one, but I will give myself to it... I circle around God, the promordial tower. I have been circling for thousands of years." ("The Book of Hours" )Time is the gift to that end.

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